The perfect story to tell a longed for baby, when he or she arrives, to express how very much loved and longed for they have always been.
It is a heartfelt children’s picture book written by Celeste Rankine and illustrated by Laivi Põder, written from the heart and not often told in the form of a picture book.
A story of a badger couple’s courage and determination as they face unexpected challenges to grow their family. During their season of waiting, baby badger has a marvellous time exploring the beauty and magic of the world, before at long last the day to finally meet one another arrives.
This special book was written and created with a lot of care, time and thought put into every little detail. If you yourself have struggled with infertility and/or miscarriage, or have a friend who has, this book will make a beautiful addition to that precious baby’s nursery, or nursery-to-be, or even hope box…
Families grow in such beautiful ways and this meaningful book highlights the pain that is endured through infertility and loss, and the overwhelming joy that comes when dreams finally come true.
Written with love and thoughtfully illustrated, it is a book that will help convey to our little miracles the depths of our love.
Written by Celeste Rankine